More Together
We are constantly expanding our established, wide-ranging research-&-development network encompassing industry, universities, professional associations, customers and partners.
We are represented in the presidium of the Südwesttextil employer’s association, actively connected with the Allianz Faserbasierter Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg (AFBW – Alliance of Fibre-Based Materials Baden-Württemberg) and ideally interconnected with textile manufacturers as a member of the Verband der Gesamtmasche (the leading German knitting industry association).
The Tübingen Climate Protection Pact is a very important commitment for us, and we pursue the issue of sustainability and regionality as a top priority. We work together with Reutlingen University. We want to promote the textile industry’s knowledge and support it with with scholarships, student trainee jobs and internships. Interdisciplinary work is in our interest. Actively expanding this network is part and parcel of our daily work.