THE Prize
best fabric
of the year
Rökona is on the Master List under „The best fabric of the year 2022“ with its RE:Space sustainable product concept! This makes us the „WINNER“ of „Prize Designs for Modern Furniture and Lightning 2022“!
This global design prize was initiated in 1949 by no lesser institution than the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York.
Thanks to its global reach and highly reputable jury, the winners of the annual Global Design News Prize Designs can be considered as the definitive list of the world’s best furniture, lighting, and fabric/textile products.
RE:SPACE stands for sustainably developed and produced technical textiles. We implement a complete recycling loop that begins with the raw material and continues through to its application in the end product and beyond to reuse. The loop is further expanded by the fundamental possibility of using recycled material as raw material, thereby not only completing the recycling loop, but also helping to prevent existing mountains of waste from growing any bigger. The area of application is about furniture, curtains, accoustic improvement and also for automotive and fashion.

In 1949, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) organized the “Prize Designs for Modern Furniture” to encourage the best of contemporary design by exhibiting the most notable examples in the furniture industry thereby stimulating production by manufacturers for the mass-produced market. Seven decades later, Global Design News and The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design are relaunching this historic event. Curated by Edgar Kaufmann, Jr., Prize Designs for Modern Furniture opened in 1950 at MoMA in New York. The idea of the competition was to draw the attention of technicians and designers from all over the world to produce new and fresh ideas leading to the manufacture and wide distribution of a new type of furniture for today’s new homes.
The 2022 Program
For 2022, Prize Designs for Modern Furniture + Lighting presents a unique opportunity to present new furniture, lighting, and materials in front of the world’s architects, corporate end-users, furniture specifiers, and the general public. The new, reformatted program showcases the best and the most outstanding new examples of furniture and lighting created by some of the most renowned international designers and architects and produced and marketed by the best and most innovative manufacturers worldwide. Thanks to its global reach and highly reputable jury, the winners of the annual Global Design News Prize Designs can be considered as the definitive list of the world’s best furniture, lighting, and fabric/textile products.